Celebrate Our Faith is our Intergenerational Faith Formation focus for this year. As we celebrate, we recognize two anniversaries that occur this year: 20 years of Intergenerational Faith Formation, and 40 years of Ss. John and Paul as a parish. We will also explore celebrations of the Church; the celebration of sacraments and the celebration of Mass. Come join us this year and discover various opportunities offered for your households to always be in celebration with Jesus! We meet once a month, on either a Sunday or Wednesday evening (the household chooses one or the other time frame). A meal is provided, as is childcare for the littlest ones when they have finished eating. The evening includes activities and prayer shared by all ages, as well as times when we break into groups by age level to explore the topic at hand.
The household continues to explore the month's topic at home, aided and supported by this website and other resources from the parish.
In addition, we offer youth ministry for grades 3 and up, sacramental formation, and many opportunities for adult growth in faith as well. You can learn more about these offerings on ourparish website.
Do you have a question about something the church teaches, about something a speaker said at Faith Formation, something that is done or said at Mass, or your children asked you a question and you do not know how to answer it? Click on this link to send your question in. We will read through the questions and answer them for you. You can send in a question anonymously or you can add your email if you would like an answer.