Find lots of ways to celebrate the devotion to the Holy Souls in purgatory. Praying for the holy souls in purgatory is something we do to help those who are there cleanse their souls and go to heaven.
At the November Sessions we learned more about the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament is for those who are seriously ill. You can receive the sacrament more than once. Find out more about how and why the sacrament is celebrated and what happens during the sacrament. There is a video, prayer, activity and questions answered.
Create a candle to remember all the dearly departed in your family. Purchase a candle (usually can be found at the dollar tree). With a permanent marker you can write the names of the loved ones you are praying for and remembering in November. Each day light the candle and say a prayer for those dearly departed souls..
Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Saint Stories for kids is a new podcast I found and have started to listen to with our younger two boys. I wasn't sure they would like it at the time but I enjoyed it and decided to share it with them. I listened to an episode of it with them in the car on the way to church and now they ask for it each Sunday on our way to church. Saint Stories for Kids is a short audio story of a saint. They is background on the saint, when they lived, what they did, and who they are. Then there is a fun story about the saint. During Halloween there were even spooky scary stories with a fun twist in them. It is a fun short way to learn about different saints. You can find it on any podcast app or here on their website.