The prayer of the faithful. What is this prayer all about and how do I live it out when I am not at church. This article and video from Pop Up Catechesis gives us practical tips about living out our faith.
Catholic Sprouts has a weekly podcast for children. Check out the first episode below about Why we go to Mass. You can find the other episodes on your favorite podcast player or on youtube.
The Brother Francis cartoon has a fun way of explaining the Mass to even the youngest viewers.
What is the Eucharist? Why do we celebrate it? What is the big deal? These are all great questions the children ask. Watch this video and find out more about the Eucharist and what it is.
The Mass As a Sacrifice. The Mass is a sacrifice. It is a celebration of the sacrifice of Jesus dieing on the cross for us. This article and video from Pop Up Catechesis explains more about the sacrifice of the Mass.
Preparing for the Eucharist. Catechist journey has a short article about rituals and the rituals that we do prepare us for our journey. In the same way, the way we prepare for the Eucharist is important.