This month we learned more about St. John Paul II. A pope present and real to many who knew him. Here is a prayer to St. John Paul II. What would you like to pray to St. John Paul II to do, what can you ask for his help with?
We began our September gatherings with Mass. It is a wonderful way to begin the celebrations of our faith year with Mass as a faith family. There are many reasons Catholics go to Mass. Read the article below (or listen to it) to find out the reasons Catholics go to Mass and you might even learn something about the Mass and why we celebrate.
Have you ever wondered if all your hard work pays off or if anyone notices the pretty decorations you put on the porch? All the hard work you do. Maybe it just makes you feel better. Sometimes it is the little things that make a big impact.
Have you ever thought about your gifts? How can you give back to your parish family? Find out more about becoming a minister at Mass. We need help with all liturgical roles. Check the websiteor bulletin for trainings or contact the coordinator in charge of that ministry to ask to be trained. Now is the time to step up and help. New schedule coming out soon.